Burger King Scholars Program
BURGER KING® Foundation, which was established in October 2005, is the charitable arm of the BURGER KING® system and is a not-for-profit 501(c)(3) charitable organiz
The Police Foundations program is a joint initiative between the Police Learning System Advisory Committee and the Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities, meant to establish the minimum entrance standards for police services in Ontario.
The Police Foundations program at triOS College provides graduates with the knowledge and skills needed to meet the proposed Ontario Constable Selection Standards. The Constable Selection System (CSS) began in February 1998, when the Ontario Ministry of Public Safety and Security granted license to the Ontario Association of Chiefs of Police (OACP) to sub-license individual police services and private sector firms to use the system to assess police constable applicants. Many of Ontario’s police services including 10 of the largest police services, use the Constable Selection Service.
Contact triOS College today to learn about admission requirements, program start dates, tuition fees and tuition assistance options that may be available.
Attend classes as if you were in the classroom — regardless of your location.
With remote learning, you can take advantage of the social dynamics of in-class learning minus the hassle of long commutes, traffic jams, or delayed public transportation.
Through live video conferencing, your instructors will conduct live lectures, facilitate presentations and group discussions, assign homework, and evaluate your work.
What does remote learning look like?
*Not all programs are available by remote learning.
Contact triOS College to learn about the technology requirements.
The Health Information Management (HIM) program at Anderson College in London, Ontario, offers classes starting throughout the year.
triOS College's Health Information Management program includes a 12-wk internship & is available via Remote or In-Class Learning.
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