Mount Royal University Opens Psychological Innovation Facility

Mount Royal University (MRU) located in Calgary, Alberta, has opened its new $1.4M Centre for Psychological Innovation, featuring a virtual reality lab, two eye-tracker suites, a biological lab with tanks of freshwater snails and several one-way glass observation rooms for observing family interactions.

The creation of a dedicated lab space marks a major step forward for psych research at MRU.  Projects already underway include a look at how virtual reality can reduce anxiety, how to predict sociopathy and psychopathy by measuring how people read faces and the potential effects of medications being flushed into the water.

Technology allows us to measure aspects of daily life in an academically rigorous setting,” said Anthony Chaston, Assistant Chair of the Department of Psychology. “Our research doesn’t stay in the lab. It leads to outcomes that make life better for people. It also inspires others to build on our work.”

Source:  MRU