Job Prospects Excellent for Practical Nursing in Canada
The job outlook for Licensed Practical Nurses in Canada continues to be positive. The Canadian Healthcare sector is the fastest growing, with licensed practical nurses and registered nurses being some of the most in demand. The shortage of registered nurses and the addition of procedures which previously only RNs could perform, has greatly improved employment opportunities for LPNs.
Both the Federal and Provincial governments have raised their priority of Canadian’s Health Care needs and Canadian colleges are investing more in the educational programs of practical nursing to meet the needs of an aging population. The shift from hospital to community care for chronic patients means that employment opportunities will be increasingly more available in community based nursing and residential care facilities.
The labour shortage conditions that Canada has seen in recent years are expected to persist; over the period 2019 – 2028 new job openings are expected to total 33,500, while 28,000 new job seekers are expected to be available to fill them.